Tunisian Sunset Cooler (with alcohol)

Tunisian Sunset Cooler
The Tunisian Sunset Cooler pinit

Tunisian Sunset Cooler (with alcohol)

Prep Time 10 min Total Time 10 mins
Servings: 2


The Tunisian Sunset Cooler is a vibrant and refreshing cocktail that mirrors the beauty of a Tunisian sunset. Served in tall glasses with a salted rim, the drink is a gradient of deep orange fading into a golden hue, resembling the colors of the setting sun. Garnished with a sprig of fresh mint, it's a visually captivating beverage that promises a delightful combination of flavors.



Tunisian Sunset Cooler



  1. Prepare Glasses:

    Wet the rims of two tall glasses and dip them in salt to create a salted rim.

  2. Add Ice:

    Fill the glasses with ice cubes for a refreshing chill.

  3. Layer the Citrus Juices:

    In a cocktail shaker, combine orange juice and grapefruit juice. Gently pour the citrus juice mix over the back of a spoon onto the ice to create a layered effect.

  4. Introduce Grenadine:

    Slowly pour grenadine syrup over the back of the spoon in the center of the glass. The syrup will sink and gradually rise to mix with the citrus juices, creating a beautiful sunset gradient.

  5. Add Vodka:

    Pour vodka over the top, allowing it to gently mix with the other layers.

  6. Garnish:

    Garnish each glass with a sprig of fresh mint and a slice of orange on the rim for an aromatic touch.

  7. Stir Before Sipping:

    Use a long stir stick to gently mix the layers before sipping to enjoy the full combination of flavors.

  8. Serve:

    Serve the Tunisian Sunset Cooler immediately, appreciating the visual spectacle before indulging in its refreshing taste.

  9. Serve:

    Sip and savor the delightful blend of citrus and mint flavors in this Tunisian-inspired cocktail, a perfect accompaniment to unwind and enjoy a beautiful sunset.

Keywords: Tunisian, Cocktail, Refreshing, Citrus, Mint
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