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Smørrebrød Symphony

Smørrebrød Symphony
Difficulty Intermediate
Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 30 min Total Time: 50 mins
Servings 4
Calories Approximately 350 calories per serving

The Smørrebrød Symphony is a Danish culinary masterpiece presented on a plate resembling a canvas of Nordic flavors. The open-faced sandwiches, or smørrebrød, are elegantly arranged, showcasing a variety of toppings. The rich hues of pickled herring, vibrant greens of fresh herbs, and the earthy tones of dense rye bread create a visually appealing and culturally significant dish. The plate is a symphony of textures and colors, inviting you to indulge in the artistry of Danish cuisine.

    Pickled Herring Smørrebrød
  • dense rye bread (8 slices)
  • 200 grams pickled herring fillets (sliced)
  • 1 red onion (thinly sliced)
  • 4 tablespoons pickled capers
  • Fresh dill (for garnish)
  • Roast Beef and Horseradish Smørrebrød
  • dense rye bread (8 slices)
  • 200 grams roast beef (thinly sliced)
  • 4 tablespoons fresh horseradish (grated)
  • fresh parsley (for garnish)
  • Egg and Shrimp Smørrebrød
  • dense rye bread (8 slices)
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs (sliced)
  • 200 grams cooked shrimp (peeled)
  • 4 tablespoons remoulade sauce
  • chives (for garnish)
    Pickled Herring Smørrebrød
  1. Place slices of dense rye bread on a clean surface.

  2. Arrange slices of pickled herring on each piece of bread.

  3. Top with thinly sliced red onion and pickled capers.

  4. Garnish with fresh dill.

  5. Roast Beef and Horseradish Smørrebrød
  6. Place slices of dense rye bread on a clean surface.

  7. Layer slices of roast beef on each piece of bread.

  8. Spread grated fresh horseradish on top.

  9. Garnish with fresh parsley.

  10. Egg and Shrimp Smørrebrød
  11. Place slices of dense rye bread on a clean surface.

  12. Arrange slices of hard-boiled eggs on each piece of bread.

  13. Distribute cooked shrimp over the eggs.

  14. Drizzle remoulade sauce over the top.

  15. Garnish with chopped chives.

  16. Assembling
  17. Arrange a selection of Pickled Herring, Roast Beef and Horseradish, and Egg and Shrimp Smørrebrød on a large serving plate.

  18. Ensure each type of smørrebrød is visually distinct and appealing.

  19. Serve the Smørrebrød Symphony as an open-faced sandwich feast.

Keywords: Danish, Smørrebrød, Herring, Rye Bread, Nordic